Friday, October 9, 2009


Felt like a kid again going to Safari seeing all the zoo animals and taking photos as if Ive never seen them upclose. It was pretty wild because the last time I saw these wild creatures raom an open lot was probably at another Safari near Williamsburg in Virginia. (I could could be wrong with the location but definitely in America some 20 years ago or more). Then we got to see 'THE STUNT SHOW' although most of the actors havent changed their script or style of play for the last quarter of a century it was still hillarious. I heard it was really fun to watch so getting my chance to see for myself was thrilling.

These guys are real stunt men and women. They really get hurt doing their stunts. They jump from 3 stories high, and get hit continuously. I know some of the sound effects help make it seem realistic, but sometimes they do get hit bad. I guess they enjoy their work so much it doesnt hurst so much. Then I see them actors greet the spectators after the show and taking pictures with them. I also saw some people kind enough giving money to the actors (probably as tip or a gesture of 'thanks guys i really enjoyed your show today'). So thought the same and gave each of them guys 100 each ( the red note is only about $4 ) just to cushion the blow for working so hard tirelessly the same routine day in day out for 365 days a year. Do they rest? Do they have a shift ? Maybe stunt doubles? Working just half the time maybe and another team takes over and does the same stunt. MAYBE.

If I ever get a chance to go there again, don't be surprised I might actually go see the Stunt Show, the dolphins act, SPY SHOW, and the wild animals of course and other attraction again for the heck of it!